Comic Books (2025)
- 2025-01: Le Journal de Mickey - Hors Série - No. 6 - Les plus belles aventures
- 2023
- language: French
- Scénario: Jean-Paul Jennequin, V. Turier
- Dessin: C. Panaro, D. Vetro, F. Artibani, S. Nigro, A. Perina, C. Limido, B. Sarda, A. Gottardo, A. Sisti, L. Pastrovicchio, R. Cimino, G. Cavazzano, E. Gula, V. Held,
- NOTES: All stories except the first one are by V. Turier. On the other hand, cartoonists are varied. Some are well-known, like Alessandro Sisti and Giorgio Cavazzano. All in all, these are fairly run-off-the-mill stories.