Erik's Ponderings

The future of reading

Following-up on the release of the Amazon Kindle, you may want to read Mark Pilgrim’s The Future of Reading (A Play in Six Acts). Sometimes, you just need to be reminded of certain ideals and go pa...

Amazon Kindle: steps forward, steps backward

Today, Amazon officially announced the Kindle eBook reader and associated services. This has already produced a flurry of blog posts all over the place. The device is not yet available, but it alre...

Leopard Finder: the new Path Bar

Windows Explorer has long had an option to show the path of the current folder in the title bar of the window. This is a very convenient feature which was lacking in the Finder so far.Leopard now h...

Is it me, or is Leopard screen sharing fairly lame?

Here are a few of my issues with it:<ul><li>It crashed at least once.</li><li>It feels quite slow, certainly slower than the Windows Remote Desktop, for example. Maybe becau...

Leopard doesn't "Play" (and a plea for FLAC)

Since Apple still doesn’t think that supporting a free, fast, unemcumbered, lossless audio codec is a good idea, I had been using Play on Tiger. Unfortunately, it is broken on Leopard. Version 0.2 ...

The big jump to Leopard

Last night, I figured (completely irrationally) that I would take the jump and upgrade to Leopard. Here is my first feedback after one day of work with it:<ul><li>I got the infamous “bl...


I just found this old post by Norm about a pretty cool idea:<blockquote>“Some of my friends engage in a friendly contest: they compete to see who can visit the most countries. It’s a life-lon...

I want Java 6 on my Mac

I am hereby (13949712720901ForOSX) casting my vote for Java 6 on Leopard. But even more importantly, I am asking Apple to realize that good communication is of the essence.As much as I dislike Wind...

California driver license renewal

My last US driver license expired in 2004 and I had to get it renewed. Here is how it went:<ul><li>Setup appointment at the San Mateo DMV with their online form (if you don’t get an a...

Disabling (and managing) keyboard shortcuts in Firefox

I am a big user of SLIMTIMER. Not a minute is spent at work without it running, and more and more I am using it for personal tasks as well.I run the Timer in the Firefox sidebar. However, I have co...