Erik's Ponderings

Enough about (badly) guessing the user's language

I am in Switzerland for Christmas. I launch a new Firefox install. Firefox loads the Firefox Start page, featuring Google search. The page is in German.About 64% of people speak Swiss-German dialec...

Firefox 3.0 beta 2 a good step forward

At long last, Firefox 3 is coming, with a second beta released just a few days ago.Firefox 2 is not too bad, and it is certainly preferable to using Internet Explorer, but it is plagued by memory l...

I can't believe we still have DVD region coding

Today I put in my computer a DVD from a Blackadder set, bought legally for me as a gift a few of years ago.I happen to have plugged a European DVD into my US Mac, and you can guess what message I g...

Mitt Romney and freedom

Here is what one of the presidential candidates, Mitt Romney, recently professed:“Freedom requires religion, just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can...

Deutsche Grammophon mostly gets it

2007 will be remembered as the year the recording industry moved away from Digital Restrictions Management (DRM).The latest positive development in this saga is that a few days ago Deutsche Grammop...

Contre le DMCA Suisse

On pourrait croire qu’en Suisse, pays champion de la démocracie directe, on ne puisse pas facilement passer une loi sans même que les citoyens en aient vent et sans que la presse n’en mentionne quo...

Leopard Spaces eats windows

And by that, I don’t mean that it beats the crap out of Microsoft Windows, I really mean that Mac OS X application windows sometimes disappear when you use Spaces. You can’t cmd-tab to them anymore...

The future of reading

Following-up on the release of the Amazon Kindle, you may want to read Mark Pilgrim’s The Future of Reading (A Play in Six Acts). Sometimes, you just need to be reminded of certain ideals and go pa...

Amazon Kindle: steps forward, steps backward

Today, Amazon officially announced the Kindle eBook reader and associated services. This has already produced a flurry of blog posts all over the place. The device is not yet available, but it alre...

Leopard Finder: the new Path Bar

Windows Explorer has long had an option to show the path of the current folder in the title bar of the window. This is a very convenient feature which was lacking in the Finder so far.Leopard now h...