Erik's Ponderings

Real mobile computing

Revenge of the NerdsThis 2002 article by Paul Graham contains the following remark:<blockquote class="tr_bq">as software shifts off the desktop and onto servers (a future even Microsoft seems...

About yourself

Daniel Miessler’s About page I only discovered Daniel’s websites recently, thanks to my brother. It looks like Daniel and I largely share a worldview. The difference, of course, is that his websit...

Meat without the hurt

The world's first cruelty-free hamburger <blockquote class="tr_bq">My own view is that being a vegetarian or vegan is not an end in itself, but a means towards reducing both human and animal ...

Science, defended

Science Is Not Your Enemy, by Steven PinkerThis is just a beautifully written piece. I am grateful to people like Steven Pinker for being able to present ideas so clearly. It’s not that I have lear...

Facebook: quality vs. quantity

Why Are Dead People Liking Stuff On Facebook? If Facebook can’t get this under control, what does that say about the value of its data? The persistence of these fake likes is an unnerving thing...

Canada the "rogue, reckless petrostate"

Oh, Canada<blockquote class="tr_bq">Over the last decade, as oil prices increased fivefold, oil companies invested approximately $160 billion to develop bitumen in Alberta, and it has finally...

"For humans, copying is learning"

Why Copying Is Fucking Awesome And Innovation Is Truly Overrated<blockquote class="tr_bq">Let me ask you something, when the first human figured out how to use fire to keep warm, what do you ...

Taxes buy civilization

How wealth of Silicon Valley’s tech elite created a world apart<div><blockquote class="tr_bq">Commuters who struggle with the crowded municipal bus service openly envy the spacious tech...

Are we in the "Great Stagnation"?

Driverless cars, pilotless planes … will there be jobs left for a human being?<blockquote class="tr_bq">Professor Tyler Cowen the future is even darker. It is not only that automation and rob...

Scala array comparison (without a PhD)

Scala collections and equality Scala collections follow a simple set of general equality rules1. Two collections are equal if: they are in the same overall category (Seq, Set, or Map) they c...