Comic Books (2024)

Comic Books (2024)

  • 2024-06-15: Topolino e l’Impero Sottozero
    • 2015
    • Language: Italian
    • Scénario: Casty
    • Dessin: Casty
    • tags: #reread
    • NOTES: Great art. A good story with good humor, interesting villains, and a happy ending.
  • 2024-05: Les trésors de Picsou 63 - Spécial Daan Jippes / Tome 3 - 3ème partie: Les années Egmont
    • 2023
    • Dessin: Daan Jippes
    • NOTES: Stories in the Carl Barks style.
  • 2024-06-12: Topolino e l’isola di quandomai
    • 2010
    • Sceneggiatura e disegni: Casty
    • tags: #reread
    • NOTES: See 2022 notes.
  • 2024-06-06: L’homme qui tua Lucky Luke
    • 2016
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 5/5
    • Scénario et dessin: Matthieu Bonhomme
    • NOTES: See 2020 notes. A great album.
  • 2024-06-05: Le combat ordinaire - 4. Planter des clous
    • 2008
    • Scénario: Manu Larcenet
    • Dessin: Manu Larcenet
    • tags: #reread
  • 2024-06-03: Le combat ordinaire - 3. Ce qui est précieux
    • 2006
    • Scénario: Manu Larcenet
    • Dessin: Manu Larcenet
    • tags: #reread
  • 2024-06-04: Le combat ordinaire - 2. Les quantités négligeables
    • 2004
    • Scénario: Manu Larcenet
    • Dessin: Manu Larcenet
    • tags: #reread
  • 2024-06-04: Le combat ordinaire - 1. Le combat ordinaire
    • 2003
    • Scénario: Manu Larcenet
    • Dessin: Manu Larcenet
    • tags: #reread
    • NOTES: The beginning of 4 albums-long masterpiece.
  • 2024-05: Les formidables aventures sans Lapinot 4. Top Ouf
    • 2010
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: This is a full story. Richard is the main character. I love the scene at the discothèque.
  • 2024-05: Les formidables aventures sans Lapinot 3. Cyberculture mon amour
    • 2001
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 3/5
    • NOTES: This is a full story. It’s not as good as a Lapinot story, however.
  • 2024-05: Les formidables aventures sans Lapinot 2. Ordinateur mon ami
    • 1998
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 3/5
    • NOTES: Early Trondheim. One-page gags again, with a couple of exceptions.
  • 2024-05-1x: Les formidables aventures sans Lapinot 1. Les aventures de l’univers
    • 1997
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 3/5
    • NOTES: Early Trondheim. One-page gags. Some are funny and quite deep.
  • 2024-05-1x: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 12. La vie comme elle vient
    • 2004
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 5/5
    • NOTES: 12 in the collection, but said to be “Huitième tome des formidables aventures de Lapinot”. A little masterpiece, with a lot of talk of death, and the unexpected, tragic, and touching death of Lapinot in the end.
  • 2024-05-1x: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 11. L’accélérateur Atomique
    • 2003
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: 11 in the collection, but said to be “Neuvième tome des formidables aventures de Lapinot”. A Spirou et Fantasio story.
  • 2024-05-1x: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 10. La couleur de l’enfer
    • 2000
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: 10 in the collection, but said to be “Septième tome des formidables aventures de Lapinot”. Story with the activists and quasi-terrorist. Richard moves to Lapinot’s, who is looking for a new place. Nadia continues doing her interviews for the radio, looking for people who are uncommon and have crazy ideas. Lapinot’s neighbor’s cat, Dark Vador, is taken care of by Richard, who thinks it’s an ET. It turns out to have been a cat fighting a terminal skin disease. Touching.
  • 2024-05-11: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 9. Pour de vrai
    • 1999
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: 9 in the collection, but said to be “Sixième tome des formidables aventures de Lapinot”.
  • 2024-05-10: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 8. Vacances de printemps
    • 1999
    • Language: French
    • Dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • Scénario: Frank Le Gall
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 5/5
    • NOTES: 8 in the collection, but said to be “Cinquième tome des formidables aventures de Lapinot”. I just realized that the scenario of this album was not by Trondheim.
  • 2024-05-10: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 7. Amour et interim
    • 1998
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: 7 in the collection, but said to be “Quatrième tome des formidables aventures de Lapinot”.
  • 2024-05-08: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 6. Walter
    • 1996
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: 6 in the collection, but said to be “Troisième tome des formidables aventures de Lapinot”.
  • 2024-05-07: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 5. Pichenettes
    • 1995
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: 5 in the collection, but said to be “Deuxième tome des formidables aventures de Lapinot”.
  • 2024-05-07: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 4. Blacktown
    • 1995
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 5/5
  • 2024-05-06: Les formidables aventures de Lapinot 2. Slaloms
    • 1993
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • tags: #reread
    • Rating: 5/5
    • NOTES: I read this for the last time in 2017. For some reason, I really like this album, while it doesn’t have the best reviews on Bédéthèque. Or rather, reviews are split. I can certainly relate to the topic of skiing, being a skier myself. Skiing is not obviously misrepresented, as is the case in other bandes dessinées (as much as I like Lefranc’s “Le mystère Borg”, the skiing there is a little awkward).
  • 2024-05-02: Paperinik et la macchina del Fangus
    • 2021
    • Language: Italian
    • Topolino Limited De Luxe Edition
    • Artists: Alessandro Sisti, Antonello Daalena, Paolo De Lorenzi, Francesco D’Ippolito, Giampaolo Soldati, Stefano Zanchi
    • Rating: 3/5
    • NOTES: Stories published in 2014 about Angus Fangus, the antagonistic journalist of the Paperinik series. Includes the following stories:
      • “Scuola di media”: Angus teaches journalism to Paperino and Paperoga.
      • “Tutto a rovescio”: A ray that can reverse everything.
      • “Il boss dei boss”: PK joins the mafia but eventually tricks them.
      • “Problemi d’immagine”: PK trades appearance with Spennacchiotto (a old character who only occasionally reappears).
      • “Concorrenza sleale”: Private police tries to take over entire towns.
  • 2024-04-28: Kill Tête de Chien
    • 2021
    • Language: French
    • Scénario: Brandon Thomas
    • Dessin: Pete Woods
    • Rating: 3/5
    • NOTES: The story is a little hard to follow.
  • 2024-04-19: La flèche ardente
    • 2023
    • Language: French
    • Scénario: Jean Van Hamme
    • Dessin: Christian Cailleaux, Étienne Schréder
    • Rating: 3/5
    • NOTES: It is hard to evaluate this volume. On one hand, it must reproduce the spirit of the original “Rayon U” from the 1940s. That is an album that reflects its time. I like it, but it is not exactly a masterpiece. On the other hand, it needs to provide good art, and a story interesting enough to justify the effort. The art of “La flèche ardente” is not bad, but I noticed some inconsistencies in the faces of the characters, which I found a little unsettling. Now the story itself is fine, without being extraordinary. I was surprised by how Marduk, the scientist, suddenly got world domination ambitions when he realizes the power in his hands. In the end Hollis appears to calm Marduk’s ambitions. For now, I will consider this a middle-of-the road album.
  • 2024-04-17: Les nouvelles aventures de Lapinot - 1. Un monde un peu meilleur
    • 2017
    • Language: French
    • Scénario et dessin: Lewis Trondheim
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: I liked this first album of the new adventures. Then I realized that there are already 8 volumes out. Trondheim remains quite the prolific author.
  • 2024-04-16: Les passagers du vent - 8. Le sang des ceries
    • 2018
    • Scénario et dessins: François Bourgeon
    • Rating: 4/5
    • NOTES: Continuation of the series after many years. This is a more difficult opus, I think. The art is still beautiful.
  • 2024-03-06: Yoko Tsuno - 30. Les gémeaux de Saturne
    • 2022
    • Roger Leloup
    • 62 pages
    • 3/5
    • NOTES:
      • I bought the “Esquisse d’une oeuvre”, the large format album, with a dossier in the end.
      • I had bought this a while ago, and for some reason deferred its reading.
      • This again could have been Leloup’s last work, but not only it is not, but album 31 is coming out soon.
      • There is no doubt that the art is still suffering from Leloup’s old age, especially the characters’ faces. The decor are still great, although, like in most of Yoko’s space adventures, they tend to be less sophisticated than those of the earth adventure’s.
      • This said, looking at the original drawings, not inked, the art tends to be better than the final result. The inking seems to be a problem for Leloup now. Maybe he could have outsourced this part of the work.
      • Again, reading Roger Leloup’s explanations helps understand this album. It is anchored in the idea of the Vinéens’ early Earth colonization and mistakes they made, in this case genetic modifications. Interestingly enough, there is also an AI aspect, but Leloup had AI way before these days’ LLMs were fashionable.